Freezer Door Mojito

Freezer Door Mojito: Your Go-to Refreshing Cocktail

Hello there, aspiring mixologists, cocktail enthusiasts, and lovers of all things deliciously alcoholic! I am Sammy your friendly, neighborhood mixologist, and today we're going on a journey. We'll dip our toes into the rich, refreshing waters of the Mojito, but this isn't your standard Mojito - it's the "Freezer Door Mojito." Strap in, grab your muddler and let's dive into this cocktail's compelling history before we bring this recipe to life.

History of the Mojito

Imagine this, it’s a sweltering afternoon in the late 19th century in Havana, Cuba. Sugar cane farmers are toiling under the hot Caribbean sun. It's laborious work, and they're in need of some respite. A drink concocted from what they have at hand becomes their go-to refreshment: rum (a byproduct of sugar cane), the ubiquitous and cooling mint, and the zesty, tangy lime. Voila! The Mojito is born - a humble farmer's drink that's turned into an international sensation.

Over time, this iconic Cuban cocktail has made its way around the world, being sipped poolside, at elegant bars, and even in Hemingway's hand (he was quoted saying, "My mojito in La Bodeguita, My daiquiri in El Floridita"). It's the combination of simple, fresh ingredients, an uncomplicated preparation process, and its remarkable ability to cool you down on a hot day that has made the Mojito a classic cocktail enjoyed by many.

But, let's move forward from history into your kitchen. It's time to prepare our Freezer Door Mojito! This delicious spin on the classic Mojito offers a convenient, time-saving approach, making it an ideal choice for both busy mixologists and casual cocktail lovers alike.


  • 2.5 cups of clear rum,
  • 1 cup of lime juice,
  • 3/4 cup of simple syrup, and
  • 30-40 mint leaves, which we'll muddle to extract their flavorful essence.

Here's the best part about this recipe – we're combining everything in one go! No need to make one Mojito at a time, we're creating a batch that you can store, savor, and share. Grab a sealable one-liter bottle and toss in your mint leaves. Muddle them directly inside the bottle to awaken their vibrant flavors. Then, add your rum, lime juice, and simple syrup. 

Shake that baby up, ensuring that all of these flavorful elements intertwine and dance together in a ballet of taste! Then, pop it into your fridge. This cocktail blend can be refrigerated for up to 10 days, but let's be honest, it might not last that long once you have your first taste!



The beauty of the Freezer Door Mojito is that it's always ready for you. Long day at work? Mojito. Friends unexpectedly dropped by? Mojito. Finally, the sun's come out after a week of rain? Definitely, Mojito time. It's like having your very own cocktail mixologist right there in your fridge, just waiting to delight you with a glass of this refreshing, minty, and tangy blend.

There you have it, folks! You've taken a step into the history of the Mojito and emerged as a master of the Freezer Door Mojito. Here's to fresh flavors, simple mixing, and the pure joy of a well-made cocktail. Cheers, my mixology apprentices! Till our next cocktail adventure, stay refreshed.


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